Smart Export Guarantee. Smart Export Guarantee – get paid for your power

Earn money for exporting your excess renewable energy on a British Gas Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) tariff.

Submitting your export meter readings

We may be able to take your export reading automatically if you have a smart meter. But if we can’t or you have a separate export meter, we’ll ask you to send an up-to-date reading every few months.

You can do this over the phone, or online by filling in our export reading form.

Export reading form

How SEG payments work

We’ll send you a SEG payment every three months. The amount you receive will depend on your SEG tariff and how much electricity you export to the grid.

We’ll pay you within 28 days of receiving your latest export meter reading. Either by cheque, or by bank transfer if we have your account details.

Update your payment details

Our SEG tariffs

Both of our SEG tariffs are variable, so the export price we pay can go up or down. They have no end dates or exit fees. You’re free to cancel or switch your SEG to another provider at any time.

If you're an existing British Gas electricity customer, we'll automatically put you on our Export and Earn Plus tariff.

15p per kWh Export and Earn Plus

We pay 15p per kWh of electricity you export.

Export and Earn Plus is exclusive to British Gas electricity customers.

6.4p per kWh Export and Earn Flex

We pay 6.4p per kWh of electricity you export.

Export and Earn Flex is available to anyone.

Switch your SEG tariff to British Gas

Switch to us in a few simple steps:

Download the SEG application form

Application form

We’d also recommend you read our T&Cs and privacy notice.

Fill in the SEG application form

You'll need to send some additional documents with your SEG application such as:

MCS certificate or equivalent

A Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) certificate or similar accreditation. And documentation to prove you own the system. Contact your installer if you need copies of either.

Smart meter photo

A photo of your smart meter. This needs to clearly show an up-to-date export reading and the serial number on the front of your meter.

Send us your completed SEG application form

Please send your application form and copies of your other documents back to us by:

We'll set up your SEG account

We'll process you application and then when you’re all set up, we’ll contact you with everything you need to know about your account.

It can take us up to 28 days to process your application and create your new account, though it may take longer if we need more information from you.

Switch your electricity supply to British Gas

The provider who makes your SEG payments doesn't have to be the same one that supplies your electricity.

Take advantage of our special Export and Earn Plus rate by switching your electricity supply to us.

Get started with an online quote.

Getting in touch

If you have any questions about the SEG or our tariffs, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you need a photo of my export reading?

A photo helps us verify your meter serial number, and that your reading is for exported rather than imported electricity.

Why do I need to send readings when I have a smart meter?

It can take some time for your smart meter to start sending us readings when you first sign up or switch your SEG to us. In the meantime, we may ask you to send readings to us directly. 

We may also ask you to send us a reading if your smart meter stops communicating with us for any reason.

How do I upgrade to your Export and Earn Plus tariff?

If we supply your electricity when you apply for a SEG tariff, you'll automatically get our best Export and Earn Plus rate.

If you switch your electricity supply to us later, we'll upgrade your SEG tariff to our best Export and Earn Plus rate from the date we start supplying your electricity. We may ask you to provide an up-to-date export reading so we can calculate your next payment at the higher rate.

What happens if I cancel or switch my SEG to another provider?

If you change smart export guarantee providers, we will be notified by your new SEG provider. We'll request a final export meter reading from you, issue a final payment and close your British Gas SEG account.

What happens if I switch my electricity supply to another provider?

You’ll automatically be switched to our Export and Earn Flex tariff. We may ask you for an up-to-date export reading, so we can work out what we owe you at the higher Export and Earn Plus rate.

How do I switch to a different SEG provider?

  • Contact your preferred SEG licensee and follow their application process.
  • Please also provide a photograph of your export meter reading to
  • And after the changeover is complete, we will send your final payment.
  • You can reapply for SEG at British Gas at any time by completing our SEG application form.

Thinking of changing your SEG provider? Check out our export tariff rates and see if we can offer you a better SEG rate.

What happens if I add capacity to my renewable system?

The maximum capacity of most renewable systems that are eligible for the SEG scheme is 5 MW. The exception is micro combined heat and power (micro-CHP) systems, where the maximum’s 50 kW.

You can install additional capacity and go above the maximum. But you won’t be paid for exporting more electricity than a 5 WM (or 50 kW micro-CHP) system can generate.

If you have any questions about increasing your capacity, or have added capacity already, please contact us on or 0333 202 9483.

Is there a limit to the amount of electricity I can export?

No, you can send an unlimited amount of excess electricity to the grid. But it can’t be any more than the amount your renewable electricity system is capable of generating.

Why is the SEG tariff separate from my existing energy tariff?

Your existing energy tariff is what’s called an import tariff. It’s the price you pay for the energy you buy from your supplier.

A SEG tariff is an export tariff. It’s the price you get paid for the energy you sell to the grid.

Import and export tariffs are separated because the prices of buying and selling energy are different. Your electricity meter also records your import and export readings separately. And it’s your export readings that are used to calculate your SEG payments.

You don’t need to be on a British Gas import tariff to apply for a SEG export tariff with us. But if we do supply your electricity, you receive a better export rate on our Export and Earn Plus tariff.