PeakSave. PeakSave Summer Sundays

PeakSavers can take advantage of five hours of half-price electricity every Sunday this summer, with PeakSave Summer Sunday events each weekend until 24th September.1

Interested in becoming a PeakSaver

PeakSave – a more responsible and rewarding approach to energy

PeakSave is our new flexible energy initiative that rewards customers for changing how and when they use electricity. PeakSavers are helping us to better manage electricity demand and supply greener energy that’s kinder to the planet – simply by making small changes to their normal routines.

On PeakSave Summer Sundays, electricity is half price from 11am to 4pm. Demand is low on Sundays, so we encourage PeakSavers to use as much as they need during the events. Not only will they be saving money, but they’ll be using cleaner energy when it’s more readily available.

How will PeakSave Summer Sundays work?

Taking part is easy – use as much electricity as you need from 11am to 4pm, and we’ll credit your account back with half of what you spend.

  • There will be a PeakSave Summer Sunday event every weekend from now until 24th September.
  • You don’t need to sign up to each one – if you’ve received an email from us, we’ll automatically include you in every PeakSave Summer Sunday
  • During the five-hour events use as much electricity as you need.
  • Your smart meter will tell us how much you used, and we'll work out your credit.
  • After each event, we’ll credit half of what you spent back to your account and the payment will show up as ‘PeakSave Credit’ on your bill or online statement.
  • Each month, we’ll send you a summary of what you’ve saved.
  • We’re not able to include every customer in PeakSave Summer Sundays. If you’d like to get involved with PeakSave and take part in future events, you can register your interest here.
  • You can find the terms and conditions of our PeakSave Summer Sundays here.

1. PeakSave Summer Sundays start

If you’ve received an email from us, you don’t need to do anything. We’ll automatically include you in all the PeakSave Summer Sunday events.

2. Take part every Sunday

If we have your mobile number, we’ll send a text message to remind you before they start.

3. Use as much as you need

During the PeakSave Summer Sundays events, use as much electricity as you need in those five hours.

4. Be rewarded

Your smart meter will tell us how much you used, and we’ll credit your account back with half of what you spent.

The benefits of taking part in PeakSave

  • Save money on your bill – any electricity you use during the events is half price.
  • Make use of cleaner, greener energy when it’s more readily available.
  • Get a better understanding of how you use electricity at home.
  • Help us develop more flexible energy events for the future.

How can I make the most of PeakSave Summer Sundays?

Any electricity you use is half price, so it’s worth waiting until the event to put those big appliances to work. That might mean using the five hours to catch up on the week’s washing or ironing.

Or you may want to cook a Sunday roast with all the trimmings at lunch instead of dinnertime. Then you can put the dishwasher on a little earlier than usual, too.

Even if you just feel like putting your feet up, any electricity you use to watch TV, keep the fridge cool and charge your phone – it’s still half price.

Catch up on chores

Large appliances like washing machines and dishwashers use the most electricity. Set aside a load or two for the events and get everything clean for half the price.

Ready your Sunday roast

Electric ovens and other kitchen gadgets can be pretty power hungry too, so it’ll pay to do all your big Sunday meal prep during the events.

Did you know?

Most of a household’s energy bills usually comes from running washing machines, dishwashers and electric showers.

What is it?

About PeakSave Summer Sundays

What are PeakSave Summer Sundays?

Following the success of previous PeakSave schemes, we’re excited to explore new ways we can supply cleaner, greener energy and help customers save money through flexible energy use.

PeakSave Summer Sundays are opportunities for customers signed up to PeakSave to take advantage of half-price electricity between 11am and 4pm.

When our PeakSave Summer Sundays start, there’ll be an event every weekend until 24th September.

Demand for electricity is low on Sundays, so we’re encouraging PeakSavers to use as much as they need during the events. Not only will they be saving money, but they’ll be using cleaner energy when it’s more readily available.

We’ll keep track of how much you use through your smart meter, and credit your account back with half of what you spend.

And we’ll also send a monthly PeakSave summary – so you can see how much you’re saving.

You don’t need to sign up to each PeakSave Summer Sunday to take part. If you’ve received an email from us or registered for PeakSave already, we’ll automatically include you in every event.

When are the PeakSave Summer Sunday events?

There’ll be a PeakSave Summer Sunday event from 11am to 4pm every Sunday until 24th September.

What are the benefits of taking part in PeakSave Summer Sundays?

  • Save money on your bill – any electricity you use during the events is half price.
  • Make use of cleaner, greener energy when it’s more readily available.
  • Get a better understanding of how you use electricity at home.
  • Help us develop more flexible energy events for the future.

Will taking part in PeakSave Summer Sundays change my tariff or prices?

No. PeakSave Summer Sunday events won’t change anything about your energy tariff or the prices you pay.

You’ll be charged for the electricity you use during the events at your normal rate. After the events, we’ll credit your account back with half of what you spent.

And each month, we'll also send a PeakSave summary – so you can see how much you’re saving.

Will I also pay half price for any gas I use during the PeakSave events?

No. Only electricity is half price during PeakSave Summer Sunday events.

Where can I find more information about PeakSave?

To learn more about our smart energy initiative, head to our main PeakSave page.

Taking part

Taking part in PeakSave Summer Sundays

How do I sign up to PeakSave Summer Sundays?

You can only take part in PeakSave Summer Sundays if you’ve already registered for PeakSave or received an email from us inviting you to take part. You can’t be referred by friends or family.

You won’t need to join each PeakSave Summer Sunday event. We’ll automatically include you.

How will PeakSave Summer Sundays work?

If you’ve already registered for PeakSave or received an email from us inviting you to take part, we’ll automatically include you in every PeakSave Summer Sunday event.

There’ll be an event from 11am to 4pm every Sunday until 24th September.

You don’t need to sign up each time to get involved. But if we have your mobile number, we’ll send a text message to remind you before they start.

During the events, use as much electricity as you need. Your smart meter will tell us how much you used, and we’ll work out your credit.

After each one, we’ll credit your account and the payment will show up as ‘PeakSave Credit’ on your bill or online statement. We’ll also send a monthly summary – so you can see how much you’re saving.

How can I make the most of PeakSave Summer Sundays?

It’s as easy as making small changes to your regular routine to take advantage of half-price electricity during the events.

Big appliances like washing machines and dishwashers tend to use the most electricity, so PeakSave Summer Sundays could be great opportunities to catch up on energy-intensive chores.

It’ll pay to use your electric oven to cook a Sunday roast at lunch instead of dinner. And you’ll even save money if you just end up watching TV.

Because any electricity you use, whether that’s a lot or a little, is half price.

Is there anything I shouldn’t do during the events?

While any electricity you use during the events will be half price, we don’t recommend you go out of your way to use excessive amounts of electricity unnecessarily.

You could end up spending significantly more on electricity than you normally would, even with the half-price discount.

What if I can’t take part in PeakSave Summer Sundays or change my mind?

There’s no need to contact us if you can’t actively participate in PeakSave Summer Sunday events. Any electricity you use during the events will still be half price, and there’s no penalty if you can’t make changes to your usual Sunday routine.

Every PeakSave email includes a link to unsubscribe if you don’t want us to contact you about it again. But if you unsubscribe, you won’t be able to rejoin PeakSave.

Can I take part in PeakSave if I own roof-top solar panels and battery storage?

Yes. If you’re registered for PeakSave already or received an email from us inviting you to take part, you can get involved in PeakSave Summer Sundays.

Just bear in mind that your credits will depend on your electricity usage and generation, and how your battery is configured.

Can I take part in PeakSave if I’m on your Electric Driver time-of-use tariff?

Yes. If you’re registered for PeakSave already or received an email from us inviting you to take part, you can get involved in PeakSave Summer Sundays.

But please be sure to check your tariff unit rates here if you plan to charge your electric vehicle during any of the events.

If you normally charge up overnight on a discounted rate and don’t top up again during the day, you may end up paying more to charge during an event, even with electricity being half price.

Can I still take part in PeakSave if my circumstances change?

If you move home, change electricity supplier, or have prepayment meters installed during our PeakSave Summer Sundays, you’ll no longer be eligible to take part in events and won’t receive credits.


Getting rewarded

What will my PeakSave Summer Sunday credits be?

During the events, any electricity you use is half price. You’ll be billed for the electricity you use as normal, then we’ll credit your account back with half of what you spent. We’ll also send a monthly PeakSave summary – so you can see how much you’re saving.

You’ll pay your daily standing charge at your normal rate. This will not be discounted.

The amount you earn will depend on your energy tariff, unit rate and how much electricity you use during the events.

How will you know how much electricity I use during PeakSave events?

Your smart meter will tell us. When you signed up to PeakSave, you agreed to let us take a smart meter reading every 30 minutes during PeakSave events so we can see exactly how much electricity you’re using.

How will you calculate my credit?

For every event, we multiply the number of units of electricity you use during the event (kWh) by 50% of your tariff unit rate after VAT (p/kWh).

For example:

  • You’re a customer on our Standard Variable Tariff with an electricity unit rate of 33.21p/kWh (after VAT)
  • 50% of your unit rate is 16.61p/kWh (after VAT)
  • You use 5 kWh of electricity during the event
  • 5 kWh x 16.61p/kWh = 83.05p
  • Your credit for taking part is 83p

In this example, you’ll pay £1.66 for the electricity you use during the event. But because electricity is half price, we’ll credit your account back with 83p (which you’ll see on your bill as ‘PeakSave Credit’).

We round payments to the nearest penny. So if you earn a 55.5p credit, we’ll round this up to 56p. If you earn 55.4p, we’ll round this down to 55p.

You’ll pay your daily standing charge at your normal rate. This will not be discounted.

What if there are problems with my smart meter?

If there’s a problem with your smart meter that means we can’t see how much electricity you used during an event, we don’t want you to lose out and you’ll still earn a credit.

We’ll use meter readings from up to 2 hours before and/or after the event to work out how much electricity you used, and your credit.

If we don’t have these readings, we’ll take the average payment made to our PeakSavers for the event, and credit this to your account.

Please note that we also set a consumption limit of 60 kWh for estimated readings and payments.

If you’re having problems with your smart meter, click here.

How will I know how much credit I earned?

After each PeakSave Summer Sunday, we’ll credit your account and the payment will show up as ‘PeakSave Credit’ on your bill or online statement.

And each month, we’ll also send you a summary of what you’ve saved.

How and when will I receive my credit?

We aim to credit your account within seven working days of each PeakSave Summer Sunday event, but it may take up to two weeks. Your credit will show up on your electricity bill or online statement as ‘PeakSave Credit’ and there’s no need to contact us to arrange payment.

How will I know when I’ve been paid?

You’ll see payments show up as ‘PeakSave Credit’ on your electricity bill or online statement.

What if my account is in debt?

You’ll still benefit from half-price electricity during the events.

You’ll be charged for the electricity you use during the events as normal, and we’ll credit your account back with half of what you spent. The credit will simply go towards paying your outstanding balance.

Payments will show up as ‘PeakSave Credit’ on your electricity bill or online statement.

Help and support

Help and support

What if I have further questions?

If there’s anything else you need to know about PeakSave Summer Sundays, please get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to help.

The quickest and easiest way to contact us is on Live Chat.

Why haven’t I received my payment yet?

We aim to credit your account within seven working days of each PeakSave Summer Sunday event, but it may take up to two weeks. Your credit will show up on your electricity bill or online statement as ‘PeakSave Credit’ and there’s no need to contact us to arrange payment.

We’ll also send a monthly PeakSave summary – so you can see how much you’re saving.

How do I contact British Gas?

The quickest and easiest way to get in touch with us is on Live Chat.

How do I complain?

If our service has fallen short in any way, we’re sorry. If you’d like to make a complaint, please get in touch with us.

Legal information

  1. PeakSave Summer Sunday events are subject to eligibility criteria and terms and conditions, which can be found in full here.

    PeakSave Summer Sundays will run every Sunday between 25th June and 24th September 2023 and offer half-price electricity between 11am and 4pm, capped at 60 kWh for each event. Any electricity you use above 60 kWh on a single PeakSave Summer Sunday will be charged at your normal unit rate. A large home would typically use around 12 kWh of electricity a day. The 60 kWh cap for the five-hour slot is to make sure that PeakSave Summer Sunday events are used fairly. You will still pay your daily standing charge.

    We can cancel PeakSave Summer Sunday events at any time before 24th September 2023. If we do, we will let you know.

    To be eligible to take part in PeakSave Summer Sunday events you must (1) be aged 18 or over; (2) be a current British Gas electricity supply customer; (3) have received an email invitation to take part in the events; (4) have a smart meter that is operating in credit mode and is opted into half-hourly meter readings.

    Eligible customers will receive bill credits related to their electricity usage, calculated by using your smart meter readings. The number of units of electricity used will be multiplied by 50% of your tariff rate before VAT. If for any reason we are unable to retrieve your smart meter data, we may need to estimate your electricity usage, as explained in detail in the full terms.

    Your bill credits will normally appear on your electricity account within 7 working days of each event ending, although it could take longer. Bill credits cannot be transferred to another account holder and cannot be exchanged for cash or a voucher.

    You will not be able to continue participating in our Peak Save Summer Sundays if you no longer meet the eligibility conditions, move home, switch your electricity supplier, or begin to take your supply through a meter operating in pre-payment mode.